A Christmas tree on New Year's Eve, decorated with firecrackers and rockets, fireworks in the night sky, generated with AI (StableDiffusion)

We wish you a happy new year!

const newYear:number = currentYear + 1;

Reflecting on the past year, one thing is certain: It was an emotional rollercoaster – so tumultuous that we all deserve a gold medal in flexibility and improvisational skills! Between the digital tsunami ignited by the advancement of AI in our industry, and the ongoing guessing game of “Corona – is it over or not?”, we can proudly say that we have all become true experts in unexpected areas.

But hey, we didn't just get through it, we also learned to improvise and smile while doing so! With replenished coffee supplies and masterfully designed video call backgrounds, we now look forward to the year 2024 with excitement. Our confetti cannons are already set up, ready to welcome it with a bang!

Look forward to a year filled with exciting developments, hearty laughs, and maybe even some magical moments that we get to experience together. 2024 is going to be fantastic – we are full of anticipation, are you too?

Cheers to the new year! We are ready for the adventures it will bring.

With best wishes for a spectacular 2024,
Fabian and Sarah from 48DESIGN


A Christmas tree on New Year's Eve, decorated with firecrackers and rockets, fireworks in the night sky, generated with AI (StableDiffusion)
