Collision detection jQuery plugin [update v1.1]

For axially parallel rectangles

We wrote a small plugin for the jQueryJavaScript framework for internal usage that we would like to share with other developers.

It's a collision detection script for axially parallel rectangles. With rotated HTML elements not being available until wider usage of CSS3, all HTML block elements fall into that category.


* Collision Check Plugin v1.1
* Copyright (c) Constantin Groß,
* v1.1 rewrite with thanks to Daniel
* @requires jQuery v1.3.2
* @description Checks single or groups of objects (divs, images or any other block element) for collission / overlapping
* @returns an object collection with all colliding / overlapping html objects
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
(function($) {
  $.fn.collidesWith = function(elements) {
    var rects = this;
    var checkWith = $(elements);
    var c = $([]);

    if (!rects || !checkWith) {
      return false;

    rects.each(function() {
      var rect = $(this);

      // define minimum and maximum coordinates
      var rectOff = rect.offset();
      var rectMinX = rectOff.left;
      var rectMinY =;
      var rectMaxX = rectMinX + rect.outerWidth();
      var rectMaxY = rectMinY + rect.outerHeight();

      checkWith.not(rect).each(function() {
        var otherRect = $(this);
        var otherRectOff = otherRect.offset();
        var otherRectMinX = otherRectOff.left;
        var otherRectMinY =;
        var otherRectMaxX = otherRectMinX + otherRect.outerWidth();
        var otherRectMaxY = otherRectMinY + otherRect.outerHeight();

        // check for intersection
        if (rectMinX >= otherRectMaxX ||
          rectMaxX <= otherRectMinX ||
          rectMinY >= otherRectMaxY ||
          rectMaxY <= otherRectMinY) {
          return true; // no intersection, continue each-loop
        } else {
          // intersection found, add only once
          if (c.length == c.not(this).length) {
    // return collection
    return c;
